Referral Logic on Amet Finance

Welcome to the Referral Logic page of Amet Finance, where we delve into the mechanics and benefits of our on-chain referral system. Our platform has integrated a sophisticated referral logic directly into our smart contracts to reward community engagement and promote our bond offerings effectively.

How Referral Logic Works

  • Integration in Smart Contracts: The referral system is built directly into the blockchain contracts, ensuring transparency, security, and immediate processing of referral rewards.

  • Immediate Reward Accumulation: When a purchase is made using a referral URL, the referrer’s address is automatically recognized, and the associated reward is immediately allocated to that address. Referrers can claim their rewards at any time, directly from the contract.

  • Reward Calculation: Referrers receive a percentage of the purchase amount as a reward. For instance, if the total purchase fee is 3.5%, and the referral percentage is set at 2%, it means that out of every purchase fee collected by Amet, 2% is directly transferred to the referrer’s address. The remaining 1.5% supports the platform's operations and further development.

Benefits of the Referral Logic

  • Incentivizing Participation: This referral system is designed not only to reward current users for bringing new investors on board but also to incentivize new users to participate through the potential earnings from their own future referrals.

  • Enhancing Visibility and Growth: By encouraging users to share referral links, we significantly increase the visibility of our bond offerings across various networks and communities, contributing to the organic growth of our platform.

  • Community and Purchaser Rewards: Referral rewards create a win-win scenario where both the referrer and the purchaser benefit. The purchaser gains access to a robust platform for investing in bonds, while the referrer gains financial rewards for their promotional efforts.

How to Participate

Participating in the referral program is straightforward:

  1. Get Your Referral Link: Registered users can obtain their unique referral links from their user dashboard.

  2. Share Your Link: Distribute your referral link through your networks, social media, blogs, or directly to potential investors.

  3. Earn Rewards: Track the rewards you accumulate through your dashboard and claim them as they are earned.

The referral logic is an integral part of our ecosystem at Amet Finance, designed to empower and reward our community actively. It's a powerful tool that leverages the network effect to foster growth and sustainability. If you have any questions about how the referral system works or need assistance getting started, please join us on our Discord channel, where our team is ready to support you every step of the way.

Last updated