Overview of Amet Finance Token (AMT)

The Amet Finance Token (AMT) is a pivotal component of the Amet Finance ecosystem, designed to foster engagement, incentivize participation, and facilitate a wide range of financial activities within the platform. AMT is not just a digital asset; it's a tool that empowers users to interact with the platform’s features more effectively and participate in its governance.

Token Utility

AMT serves multiple purposes within the Amet Finance platform, each aimed at enhancing the user experience and contributing to the platform's security and efficiency:

  1. Governance: AMT holders have the right to vote on key platform decisions, including new features, fees, token utility enhancements, and adjustments in governance protocols.

  2. Revenue Sharing: Users staking their AMT tokens can receive a share of the platform's revenue, aligning user incentives with the platform’s financial success.

  3. Transaction Fee Discounts: AMT can be used to pay for transaction fees on the platform, often at a discounted rate compared to other payment methods.

  4. Exclusive Access: Holders may gain access to premium features, such as advanced financial tools or early access to new product offerings.

  5. Loyalty and Incentives: The platform may offer additional rewards and incentives for actions such as referring new users or achieving specific milestones.

Tokenomics Breakdown

Updated: 04 Jun 2024

Total supply: 1T( $AMT

Circulating supply: 141.25B( $AMT

IBO price in USD - $0.000012

IBO offering - 0.96 USDC = 80.000 $AMT = 3 months

MC - $12.000.000

FDV - $1.695.000

  1. Community and Ecosystem (40%)

    • Purpose: To foster growth, reward participation, and support various ecosystem activities.

    • Allocation: 400 billion AMT

    • Vesting Schedule: 25% released each year over four years to sustain long-term engagement and participation.

  2. Team and Founders (20%)

    • Purpose: To compensate and incentivize the project’s founders and team members.

    • Allocation: 200 billion AMT

    • Vesting Schedule: 10% released after the first year, with the remaining gradually distributed monthly over the next three years to ensure long-term commitment.

  3. Development and Future Operations (15%)

    • Purpose: To fund ongoing development, operational costs, and future expansions.

    • Allocation: 150 billion AMT

    • Vesting Schedule: 20% initially to fund current developments, with the rest released quarterly over four years to support ongoing operations.

  4. Marketing and Partnerships (10%)

    • Purpose: To drive awareness, adoption, and strategic partnerships.

    • Allocation: 100 billion AMT

    • Vesting Schedule: 10% released initially, followed by a gradual release over four years to support sustained marketing efforts and partnership developments.

  5. Advisors (5%)

    • Purpose: To compensate experts who help guide the project’s strategy and growth.

    • Allocation: 50 billion AMT

    • Vesting Schedule: Locked for one year, then released over the next three years to maintain advisor engagement and support.

  6. Liquidity Provision (5%)

    • Purpose: To ensure liquidity on exchanges and for other operational needs.

    • Allocation: 50 billion AMT

    • Vesting Schedule: 25% released in the first year with the remainder released over the next three years to support liquidity as the platform scales.

  7. Reserve (5%)

    • Purpose: For unexpected expenses or opportunities.

    • Allocation: 50 billion AMT

    • Vesting Schedule: No initial release, available after one year and only accessed based on specific governance decisions.

Last updated